Build an End-to-end HTTP API with AWS API Gateway

Build an End-to-end HTTP API with AWS API Gateway

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In this article, I will guide you through the process of setting up AWS API Gateway to create an end-to-end HTTP API. This API will allow users to request information from a database and create new data entries. Whether you're a beginner or looking to refresh your knowledge, this detailed guide aims to help you understand and implement AWS API Gateway effectively.

Key Concepts to Understand Before You Start

IoT Communication APIs:

  • REST Based Communication APIs:

    • Use HTTP methods such as GET, POST, PUT, DELETE.

    • A new TCP connection is established for each HTTP request.

  • WebSocket Based Communication APIs:

    • Bi-directional communication where messages can be sent and received by both the server and the client.

    • Utilizes IP address and port number for data retrieval.

    • Once the connection is set up, messages can be continuously exchanged without interruption.

Understanding HTTP & REST APIs

API (Application Programming Interface):

  • APIs allow different software applications to communicate with each other.

  • AWS introduced the first version of API Gateway in 2015, referred to as REST APIs, which include comprehensive features.


  • REST APIs:

    • Feature-rich and versatile, suitable for complex use cases.

    • Can be heavier and more costly due to the extensive features.

  • HTTP APIs:

    • Introduced by Amazon in 2020 to provide a lightweight alternative to REST APIs.

    • Designed to be faster and more cost-effective.

    • Ideal for simple, straightforward API needs.

Setting Up AWS API Gateway

In the following sections, we will cover:

  1. Creating an HTTP API: Step-by-step instructions to set up an HTTP API using AWS API Gateway.

  2. Connecting to a Database: How to configure your API to interact with a database for retrieving and storing data.

  3. Handling HTTP Requests: Implementing GET and POST methods to allow users to retrieve and create data.

  4. Security and Permissions: Setting up appropriate security measures to protect your API and data.

Let’s create an HTTP API using AWS API Gateway right away.

1. Create a Lambda function

Here we’ll implement the requests in Lambda function. Since we haven’t built one. I’ll create a lambda function for further configuration.

Click Lambda service>Functions>Create function

Defining your function name, select the latest python version that is listed on Runtime, others leave as default. Then click Create function.

Click Lambda service>Functions>Create function

Defining your function name, select the latest python version that is listed on Runtime, others leave as default. Then click Create function.

2. Create an HTTP API

Click API Gateway service\> APIs>select HTTP API> Build

Select Lambda, Region and the lambda function name we just created. Define your own API name, then click Next

Adding Routes to the API

  1. Define POST Route:

    • Navigate to the "Routes" section in API Gateway.

    • Add a route for /createPerson and select the POST method.

    • Integrate this route with the createPerson Lambda function.

  2. Define GET Route:

    • Add a route for /getPerson and select the GET method.

    • Integrate this route with the getPerson Lambda function.

Step 4: Deploying the API

  1. Create a Deployment Stage: Define a stage (e.g., "dev" or "prod") for your API deployment.

  2. Deploy API: Deploy your API to the chosen stage.

Select GET method and edit the Recource path to /getPerson;

Add one more POST method and edit the Recource path to /createPerson, then click Next, leave the setting on the page default, click Next and then Create.

Now we have deployed to both prod and dev environments



Building a GET Method Response

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Setting Up Postman

  1. Download Postman: If you haven't already, download and install Postman from here.

Step 2: Configure the GET Request in Postman

  1. Open Postman: Launch the Postman application.

  2. Create a New Request: Click on the + button to create a new tab.

  3. Set Request Type: Change the request type to GET from the dropdown menu.

  4. Enter the URL: Copy and paste the appropriate URL into the request URL field based on your deployment:

    • Staging:

    • Production:

Step 3: Add Query Parameters

  1. Add Query Parameter: Click on the Params tab below the URL field.

  2. Enter Key-Value Pair: Add the key personid and the value 123 to simulate a request. This will look like:

    • Key: personid

    • Value: 123

Step 4: Send the Request

  1. Send Request: Click the Send button to send the GET request.

  2. View Response: The response from the API will be displayed in the lower section of Postman. Here you should see the data associated with the personid 123 if it exists in your database.

Example Postman Setup

  • Request Type: GET

  • URL: or

  • Query Parameters:

    • Key: personid

    • Value: 123

this is the response we get to ensure the API is working

We are going to update the Lambda function to get a better response

this is the source code

import json

def lambda_handler(event, context):
    GET_RAW_PATH = "/getPerson"

    if event['rawPath'] == GET_RAW_PATH:
        # GetPerson Path
        print("Start Request for GetPerson")
        personId = event['queryStringParameters']['personid']
        print("Received request with personId=" + personId)

        if personId == '123':
            person_details = {
                "firstName": "John",
                "lastName": "Goodman",
                "email": ""
            return {
                'statusCode': 200,
                'body': json.dumps(person_details),
                'headers': {
                    'Content-Type': 'application/json'
            return {
                'statusCode': 404,
                'body': json.dumps({'message': 'Person not found'}),
                'headers': {
                    'Content-Type': 'application/json'

# Test event example for local testing
if __name__ == "__main__":
    test_event = {
        'rawPath': '/getPerson',
        'queryStringParameters': {
            'personid': '123'
    test_context = {}
    print(lambda_handler(test_event, test_context))


  • Import JSON: Import the json module to handle JSON serialization.

  • Define the lambda_handler Function: This function is the entry point for the Lambda function.

  • Check the Path: Verify if the request path matches /getPerson.

  • Extract personid: Retrieve the personid from the query parameters.

  • Response Based on personid:

    • If personid is 123, return the person's details with a 200 status code.

    • If the personid is not 123, return a 404 status code with a "Person not found" message.

  • Set Headers: Include the Content-Type header in the response to specify JSON format.